Sunday, August 21, 2011

Day 2 - Ely, NV to McCall, ID

We left the hotel at 7:15 this morning to perfect riding weather. Jen saw a moose....well, almost! It may be the only moose we see this trip, so we couldn't pass up the photo op.
We traveled north on US 93 and what a great road it was! Very lightly traveled, a speed limit of 70 and very smooth riding. From there we got onto I-84 West. Speed limit of 75...gotta love Idaho and their speed limits! We stopped in Twin Falls, ID for lunch and then headed towards our final destination of the day, McCall, ID.
We detoured a bit and went through Bosie as Jeff wanted to see the area. We then got on Highway 55 north into McCall. Wow, what a beautiful ride along the Payette river! Almost too much beautiful scenery to take in. A great riding road with not much traffic headed in our direction.
We rolled into our hotel at about 7:15 this evening (I forgot about the time change!). We put a little over 500 miles onto our mighty road warriors today and both bikes have done great. Jeff, too, did awesome! It was a long, hot day no matter how many miles you've ridden before in one day.
Tomorrow should be an easier day to Sandpoint, ID so I guess I'll let Jeff sleep in a little!

1 comment:

  1. No saddle sores yet Jeff?? lol j/K!
    Have a fun and safe ride, thanks for sharing the blog!!
